
Copyright and Reuse

Unless otherwise specified, all content is released under CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.

Pictures may be available in higher resolution, so feel free to ask.

On demand, I may be able to rewrite or translate texts to suit your needs.

Summary / En bref

I am a journalist from Luxembourg, interested in things as diverse as economy, politics, nature, history, music, China, the Spanish world and reading.

Je suis un journaliste du Luxembourg, intéressé par des choses aussi diverses que l’économie, la politique, la nature, l’histoire, la musique, la Chine le monde hispanophone et la lecture.

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This is related to China, to the pleasure of shooting and to the driving force of me writing.

About me

I am a journalist living in Luxembourg, at the heart of Europe. As such, I relate to French and German reality, as well as to the big English-speaking world that has spilled over into little Luxembourg through the financial centre… and the new media. Plus, learning Chinese has given me a world view offset by some 110 degrees.

Jobwise I mostly write about environmental, economical and political issues. Although my newspaper, the alternative weekly woxx, targets a local audience, those topics often carry a European or universal dimension.

Beyond the already gratifying basic journalistic work, I am exploring alternate ways of communicating, like narrative journalism. Also, the new technologies will change journalism, so I’m following the debates about the future of journalism and I try to apply what I learn from that. Luckily, when working with those new tools, I can draw on my background as a student of mathematics and former computer expert.

Out of personal taste, I am learning Chinese and reading a lot about China’s culture as well as its present situation. More generally I‘m interested in international relations, keep reading about history and look towards political philosophy to make sense of it all. More leisurely, I’m attracted to litterature, comics, classical music, nature, photography and boardgames.

About this blog

Here you can read complements to my journalistic work and posts about my main topics:
Luxembourg, Environment and Climate, Economy, China, the Global World, the Digital World and Media.
I’m also experimenting with posting links, pictures and videos.

Since 2010 I have improved my blogging skills step by step. I started with a blog about music (Vill Harmonie), mainly about the concerts at the Luxembourg Philharmony. In 2012 I switched to this general purpose blog. Since then, my social media skills have improved a lot (as have the tools available to us).

Back then, I called this my “2.0” blog. I now consider it a “2.1” version. Hope to upgrade some day soon ;-)

My other active accounts:




on Wechat / 微信: “Lei2Mo4”


About the blog’s name

No, wirdrichtiger has nothing to do with being “weird”, getting “rich” or loving “tigers”. “… wird richtiger” is extracted from a text by German poet Erich Fried.
The line goes: “Das Gedicht wird richtiger, die Welt wird falscher” – literally: “the poem becomes righter, the world becomes wronger”.

To me this means that the better I learn to write about the world, the worse it looks. It may sound desperating, and it sometimes is. On the other hand, it encourages me to improve my writing skills, because they allow me to create something “right”. And, like Fried, faced with the wrongness of the world, my answer is not resignation but trying to change things.


Raymond Klein
11, rue de la Forêt
L-1534 Luxembourg

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